Prakash Kumar

Something about apt

Hello, (I hope there is someone in the world reading this post) One fine day, when i try to install some application for my ubuntu machine. I do an update and try to install that specific applicat...

System Malware-1

Hello world, Do you know a simple text editor like gedit contains 128 total source files along with 3 more directories. Counting all 128 files and 3 directories yields 70,484 Lines of code. The ra...

Github CommandLineInterface

Post after long time During the time when i publish this blog on github. I doesnt feel any challenge, its just like a cake walk(I forked a repository and make changes online whenever i feel that i...

Package installation from the tar file

Hi, I tried to install sublime text in my kali machine, while doing that i face some challenges which are documented here. If you are a linux beginner then this post will help you. How to install ...

Lock error

When you started using ubuntu and tried to install some package you will came across the following error and got frustated. Some of you may try to resolve this by surfing through some random site...

PPA VS Normal

How does the following installation are differ from one another? $sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maco.m/ruby $sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install rubygems Line1 : adds PPA to your list of...